Constitution and Rules


1    NAME
1.1 The league to be known as the ‘National Junior Swimming League (M11)’, hereinafter referred to as ‘the league’.

2.1 To promote and encourage competition between swimming clubs specifically for the 9-12 year olds
2.2 To put forward the winner of the competition to the National Junior Inter-League final
2.3 To create opportunities for young swimming coaches to gain training qualifications and experience managing junior squads in league competition

3.1. The League shall be affiliated to the Amateur Swimming Association (ASA), and shall adopt and conform to the Laws, Regulations and Technical Rules of the ASA as they may be changed from time to time.
3.2. The business and the affairs of the League shall at all times be conducted in accordance with the Laws, Regulations and Technical Rules of the ASA and in particular:
3.2.1. All competing members shall be eligible competitors as defined in ASA Laws and
Regulations and:
3.2.2. The leagues shall in accordance with ASA Laws and Regulations adopt the ASA Child
Safeguarding Procedures and shall recognise that the welfare of children is everyone’s
responsibility and that all children have a right to have fun, be safe and be protected from
3.2.3. Members of the leagues shall in accordance with ASA Laws and Regulations comply with the ASA Child Safeguarding Procedures, specifically as set out in the League’s “Child Safeguarding Policy” statement, and in the ASA publication “Wavepower,” and any updates to these documents that shall occur from time to time.
3.3. In the event that there shall be any conflict between any rule or by-law of the League and any of the Governing Body rules then the Governing Body rules shall prevail.

4.1 Membership is open to any club affiliated to the A.S.A. (hereinafter members shall be referred to as ‘Clubs’).
4.2 Clubs seeking election to the league shall do so in writing to the league Secretary. Such applications shall be accompanied by the Affiliation fee and a written undertaking to conform to the constitution and rules of the league, if elected.
4.3 Election to the league shall take place at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) or at an Extra-ordinary General Meeting (EGM) called for the purpose.
4.4 Whilst any fine imposed on a Club by the league or monies are outstanding, that club shall not be eligible to:
▪    Propose or second business for an AGM or EGM.
▪    Vote at an AGM or EGM
▪    Be considered for re-election to the league
4.5 The power to suspend or expel a Club from the league shall be vested in the AGM or an EGM and any resolution to suspend or expel a Club shall be passed by a majority of no less than two-thirds of those present and eligible to vote.
4.6 No motion proposing suspension or expulsion against a Club shall be put to any meeting unless that Club has been given notice of such a motion and has been given an opportunity to be heard on such a motion.
5.1 The affiliation fee and annual subscription shall be as agreed at the AGM.
5.2 The annual subscription shall be paid by the 31st January in each year. A fine of £50 shall be imposed for late payment.
5.3 The financial year of the league shall end on the 30th September, up to which date ALL reports and accounts shall be made and examined by an independent examiner to be appointed by the League.
5.4 All funds or other property of the league shall be used for the furtherance of the Object of the league.
5.5 In the event of the dissolution of the league, the funds or debts remaining shall be equally shared between the Clubs participating at the time.
6.1 The overall control of the league shall be vested in an executive committee, consisting of the officers of the league, elected at the AGM.
6.2 The officers of the league shall comprise:
▪    The Chairman
▪    The Honorary Secretary
▪    The Honorary Treasurer
6.3 The Officers of the league shall hold office for one year.

7.1 The AGM shall be held in October or November.
7.2 An EGM may be called by the officers or upon a written request to the Secretary from two-thirds of the Clubs. In both cases the reasons for the meeting must be declared.
7.3 The Secretary shall give officers and Clubs at least 21 days notice of the AGM or an EGM. Such notice shall include an agenda setting out the business of the meeting together with the names of all proposers and seconders of items of business.
7.4 The business of the AGM shall be:
a) To approve the minutes of the last meeting.
b) To receive reports from:
▪    The Honorary Secretary
▪    The Honorary Treasurer
c) To elect:
▪    The Officers of the league
▪    The Independent Examiner
d) To confirm the Affiliation fee: annual subscription: gala programme: gala entrance fees
e) To discuss any other business previously notified in the agenda
f) To receive and consider the Accounts
7.5 No business other than that stated on the notice of meeting for an AGM or an EGM shall be transacted at that meeting.
7.6 Each Club shall be entitled to send 2 voting delegates to an AGM or an EGM.
7.7 Each officer shall be entitled to vote at an AGM or an EGM. An officer shall not be entitled to vote as both an officer and a voting delegate of a Club, except in the case of Rule 6.9.
7.8 Delegates from four different Clubs and at least one of the officers shall form a quorum for an AGM or an EGM.
7.9 The Chairman, or in his/her absence another attending Officer, shall have a casting vote in the event of a tied ballot.

8.1 All competitions shall be held under A.S.A. Law and A.S.A. Technical Rules of Racing
8.2 The year of competition shall be from 1st January to 31st December
8.3 The competition shall comprise of three rounds to be swum on the 3rd Sunday in April, the 3rd  Sunday in May and the 3rd Sunday in June
8.4 The age groups in all galas shall be for girls and boys: 9 years, 10 years, 11 years and under and 12 years and under in the year of competition
8.5 The gala programme shall be as agreed at the A.G.M. (appendix 1)
8.6 To comply with ASA laws on minimum ages all ages shall be as at the date of the last round of this league.
8.7 All competing members shall be members of Clubs they represent and shall be eligible to swim in accordance with ASA Law. No swimmers under the age of nine, as at the date of the last round of this league, may compete in this competition. Each competitor is limited to 2 swims in their own age group plus one in an age group above in individual events, except 9 year olds who are limited to two individual races in their own age group. There is no restriction with regard to the number of team races except for 9 year olds who shall be restricted to team races for 9 and 10 year olds. Team lists are to be handed to the Recorder by all competing teams, these are to be retained by the Organising League for 12 months.
8.8 All team members must be a member of the Club they represent, by the end of the month prior to the 1st round.
8.9 Each Club must produce a list of swimmers that intend to swim. This list must be sent to the League Organiser by the end of the month prior to the 1st round. Boys and girls must be listed separately giving forenames, surnames and dates of birth.
These lists will be retained by the Gala Organiser for one year’s safe keeping.
8.10 Each Club shall submit a gala team sheet (including events and dates of birth) before the first event of each gala. Failure to do so could exclude that Club from gaining any gala or league points from that round (subject to confirmation by the Officers of the League); although they can still compete in the gala if they so wish.
8.11 In the event of a swimmer belonging to another Club competing in the league, the swimmer shall represent the Club in which he/she has the longest unbroken membership
8.12 If a Club represents the league at a National final, it shall abide by the National final rules which are available from the National League Honorary Secretary.

Division One shall comprise a total of 16 clubs competing over two galas.
Division Two shall comprise either 16 clubs competing over two galas or 18 clubs competing over 3 galas. The composition of Division Two shall be decided at the AGM, based upon the number of clubs admitted to the League. Late applications for entry shall not be accepted where this will alter the composition of Division Two.

9.1 The draw for each round will be as follows:
The organiser shall have the flexibility to arrange 7 and 8 team galas where this will reduce the number of pools required and to modify the draw within the spirit set out below. Generally the draw for each round will be as follows:
the position of the teams after the Final (Round 3) of the previous year shall be used to decide the teams that shall swim in round 1 galas as follows:
For a round 1 with 2 galas
▪    Gala 1 – Teams that were 1st, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 12th, 13th, 16th
▪    Gala 2 – Teams that were 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 14th, 15th
For a round 1 with 3 galas
▪    Gala 1: Teams that were 1st, 6th, 7th, 12th, 13th, 18th
▪    Gala 2: Teams that were 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th
▪    Gala 3: Teams that were 3rd, 4th, 9th, 10th, 15th, 16th
Teams that were promoted/relegated shall maintain their relative positions in their new division.
For a round 1 with 2 galas
After round 1 teams with odd placings in one gala meet teams with even placing in the other gala.
For a round 1 with 3 galas
▪    Gala 1 Teams that were 1st and 4th in gala 1, 2nd and 5th in gala 2 and 3rd and 6th in gala 3
▪    Gala 2 Teams that were 2nd and 5th in gala 1, 3rd and 6th in gala 2 and 1st and 4th in gala 3
▪    Gala 3 Teams that were 3rd and 6th in gala 1, 1st and 4th in gala 2 and 2nd and 5th in gala 3
The League Points after Round 2 shall be used to decide the teams that shall swim in the galas as follows:
▪    Gala 1: The teams gaining the highest total of League Points after Round 2
▪    Gala 2: The teams gaining the next highest total of League Points after Round 2
▪    Gala 3: The remaining teams participating, if any
9.2 To determine placings if teams tie on points:
placing for the purposes of determining the ROUND II draw only, the number of first places to be taken into account (only applicable to a 2-gala division), followed by the number of gala points
in the event of a tie for league points, the total number of gala points scored in ROUNDS I & II will be taken into account. If there is a tie on the total gala points then the total number of first places will be taken into account.
The final league tables to be according to the number of league points gained from all galas and joint placing to be determined by the number of gala points gained only in round 3; if still tied by the total number of gala points  If there is still a tie on the total gala points then the total number of first places in Round III will be taken into account.
In each case of the above if there is still a tie then the number of second places, third places etc shall be considered

10.1 League points in both Divisions 1 and 2
ROUND I & II League points will be awarded for gala results as follows:
1st. placed team shall score points equal to the number of teams competing in the gala and each subsequent place will score points reduced by 1, down to 1 point for last position (In the event of a tie on gala points the league points to be shared)
After ROUND II bonus points will be awarded as follows:
For a 16 team division –
▪    Teams qualifying for ROUND III Gala 1 – 16 bonus points
For a 12 team division –
▪    Teams qualifying for ROUND III Gala 1 – 12 bonus points
For a 18 team division –
▪    Teams qualifying for ROUND III Gala 1 – 24 bonus points
▪    Teams qualifying for ROUND III Gala 2 – 12 bonus points

The purpose of bonus points is to ensure that final positions of all teams remain within the gala that they placed for the final round. Teams in the consolation gala are not awarded bonus points.

ROUND III   As ROUNDS I and II except double point i.e. 16 points for 1st , 14 for 2nd , etc
10.2 Gala points in both Divisions 1 and 2
a) Points scoring for each event at a gala: the 1st. placed team shall score points equal to the number of teams competing and each subsequent place will score points reduced by 1, down to 1 point for last position; 0 points to be scored for ‘no swimmer’ or a disqualification. When teams tie for places the points for those places shall be added together and the average calculated which will be scored by each team that tied.
▪    6 team galas will be scored 6 points to 1 point
▪    5 team galas will be scored 5 points to 1 point
▪    No swimmer(s) or disqualification – 0 points
▪    Dead-heat – points shared (e.g. 1st equal – 5 ½ points each in a 6 team gala)
b) A team shall be deemed ‘to have competed’ if they start to swim at or before event 25. Teams shall be awarded one point for each race they have missed, prior to the first race that they swim following a late arrival.
10.3 The total League and Gala Points for each team in a gala that does not have the same number of teams competing as in other galas in the same division shall be adjusted by the League Secretary in accordance with the formula
accepted points = recorded points x (base team requirement +1 / (number of teams competing + 1)
In both cases points will be rounded to the nearest half point

11.1 Division 1 shall comprise of 16 competing clubs. Division 2 shall comprise a maximum of 16 or 18 clubs to be determined at the AGM. The composition of Division 2 shall not alter other than by decision of the AGM.
11.2 The bottom three teams in Division 1 shall be relegated by one division.
11.3 The top three teams in Divisions 2 shall be promoted by one division.
11.4 In the event that Rule 11.5 is invoked, the Gala Organiser shall have the power to set aside Rules 11.2 and 11.3 in order to maintain the optimum numbers of teams competing in Division 1.
11.5 A team in any division which fails to swim in all three galas, having entered at the beginning of the league season, will be deemed to have withdrawn from the league and must re-apply for membership. If the application is accepted that team will be placed in the lowest division.
11.6 A team, which fails to compete in any gala for which they have entered, will be awarded zero gala points, placed last at that gala and awarded zero league points according to league rules. Any such team must also pay the league a fine of £50 to help compensate for reduced gala entrance fees.
11.7 After ROUND II team shall be awarded bonus points in accordance with Rule 10.1,.
11.8 The final League places are in order of the total League points from all three rounds, highest first. In the case of Clubs tied on points, see Rule 9.2c)

12.    AWARDS
12.1 Awards shall be made to clubs placed 1-3 in each division.

13.1 The Honorary Secretary shall be responsible for securing the use of pools and arranging a supply of programmes, annotated recorders’ forms and annotated Chief Timekeepers’ slips.
13.2 Each Club shall supply a qualified judge and its own lane timekeeper. (Due to the difficulty in obtaining judges qualified to a County level, ‘qualified’ is defined here, as a minimum, to be someone with a considerable experience of swimming competitions.) Any Club failing to supply these officials at its designated gala shall pay the league a fine of £30 for each official not reporting to the Gala referee.
13.3 All Clubs to take turns to sponsor galas. The sponsor Club shall be responsible for supplying coordinating officials (i.e. 2 referees, 2 chief timekeepers and a starter) and for providing personnel to run the gala.
13.4 The sponsor club shall be required to appoint a “Promoter” who shall attend the gala. This person shall be the designated Welfare Officer for the event and must be a DBS registered ASA member of the sponsor club. The sponsor club shall be required to supply 1 week in advance of the gala, to the League as well as to the pool operator, the name, ASA and DBS number of the Promoter.
13.5 The sponsor club shall be required to display prominently in toth the changing and spectator area, the “Photography and Child-Safety” policy as provided by the League.
13.6 Spectator entrance fees shall be as agreed at the AGM.
13.7 The start of galas shall be prompt and not more than fifteen minutes later than the stated commencement time. This will allow for the late arrival of any Club.
13.8 Any Club failing to attend its designated gala shall pay the league a fine of £50 to cover lost spectator income.
13.9 The sponsor Club shall send to the Honorary Secretary within 24 hours by email the the electronic recorder’s form with the full points result of the gala. Within 48 hours of the gala a printed copy of the recorder’s form, Chief Timekeepers’ slips and Teamsheets should be posted to the Honorary Secretary.
13.10 The draw for lanes in Rounds I and II shall take place during the warm up prior to the commencement of the gala, with a representative from each Club present before the draw takes place (at the referee’s discretion). For Round III the lane draw will be determined using a spearhead formation calculated from the league positions after Round II.
13.11 Each Club shall be entitled to place at the opposite end to the start of its lane a free standing board bearing the Club’s name.
13.12 The Gala Organiser shall inform all Clubs and the League Secretary of the results and points from each gala and the venues for the next round within 14 days of that gala.

14.1 Alterations to these rules shall only be made at the AGM or an EGM convened for the purpose in accordance with Rule 7.
14.2 Any proposed alteration to the rules must be stated in full on the agenda for the meeting together with names of all proposers and seconders.
Only Officers and Clubs may propose or second an alteration to the rules.
14.3 A proposal must have a two-thirds majority of delegates, eligible to vote, in attendance to be carried.

15.1 Every member of the committee shall be indemnified by the league and its members, jointly and severally, for any act authorised by the committee which they do on behalf of the league and which is written within the scope of the rules for the time being of the league.

16.1 On any question of interpretation of these rules, the committee’s decision shall be final. On any matters not provided for in these rules the committee shall have the final discretion.


