No diving in shallow end

Swim England has issued a new safety edict with regard to diving during competition

Shallow diving is now no longer permitted in depths of less than 1.35m – which basically covers the shallow end of most 25m pools. It is neither permitted from the side nor from blocks.  Diving at the deep end requires a minimum depth of 1.5m.

Therefore M11 League requires that all relay takeovers at the shallow end and all 25m events (if they are started at the shallow end – you may choose to move the timekeepers) shall start “in the water”

DQ guidance for coaches and officials:
The starting position in the water is with one hand in contact with the starting platform or wall. That hand must not lose contact until the in-coming swimmer has touched. It is not sufficient for the swimmers feet to remain in contact with the wall.

Swim England Guidance on Water Depths

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2022 draw for finals

The results for round two are in, and posted on our Results page. The draw for the final round three is posted under our Fixtures page.

It really couldn’t be closer, with 4 large clubs all in with a chance to win.

Lanes draw for the Final, and B final are seeded, so you can see now which lanes you are in.  Hosts for the Final, at Southbury Rd, are Chelsea & Westminster.  Hosts for the B final at Braintree are Halstead.  As always, please reach out to the home clubs at these pools for advice and to other participants for officials and assistance.

So far, it has been a great success with everyone enjoying getting back into relay racing!


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2022 competing swimmers

Competing Clubs now need to send me their list of Competing Swimmers by 31 March 2022. Please use the Excel format sent out to you.

All swimmers must be CAT2 registered (because we have a National Final) and your club must be first-claim on the swimmer if any are dual club.  Swimmers must be 9 years old by the date of our last round, 26th June 2022.  Swimmers who are 13 or over on this date are not eligible.

However, we recognise the difficulty some clubs are having finding swimmers in all age groups.  We much prefer that you swim over-age swimmers (declare them and forgo the points) than that you withdraw from a race or round.  We need the spectator income, and swimmers of all ages need relay practice.

Please also send me your DBS declaration for your poolside coach before 10 April.

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2022 Season begins

Welcome to the 2022 Season!

The Competing Clubs, and Fixtures pages are now updated for 2022. We have 14 clubs in the League as of 2022, and the Round One draw has been published with host clubs notified.

All rounds will take place at Freeport Braintree and Southbury Rd, Enfield.  All bookings are 3pm warm-up for 3.30 start.

We strongly encourage spectators to return – this is how the we pay for the pools. An updated contacts sheet has been sent around to competing clubs.  Please respond promptly to your hosts and help them with officials.  Officials do not have to be qualified or licensed. We just ask that you provide someone who is used to operating a stop watch, and another person with a bit of judging experience.

We hope you all have a fantastic competition and enjoy the relays.  It’s good to be back!

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2020 Covid-19 statement

We hope that you are all keeping well in these difficult times and have plans for getting your club through the isolation period.

Plans for the Junior Inter-League and the M11 League are obviously up in the air right now.  The M11 League has taken SEER advice and cancelled our April and May dates. For now, we are retaining the June date and we have a reserve date of 26 July booked with another possible option of a date in September.

However the likelihood is that if we are able to go ahead at all, we will be reduced to a single round competition. Once I have any confirmation of a certain date then I will inform everyone a month in advance.

Thank you to everyone who has submitted their eligible swimmers list. I do realise that some clubs may not even be able to pay their coaches right now and that we cannot expect normal service from you at this time. You will have an opportunity to re-submit your eligible swimmers 1 month before the event and if the date is not 21 June, add more 9 year olds. Inevitably there will be some clubs who won’t be able to take part so this may affect the draw.

All previous statements about the draws and the hosts are to be ignored, these will change.

There is a ZOOM meeting planned by the Junior Inter-League committee for 2 April. We hope to learn more about what other Leagues are planning and what might be the impact for the Area and Grand finals.

Best Regards


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2020 Round One draw

Dear members,
competing teams have been confirmed for the 2020 Season of M11 Junior League.  The draw for round one, 19th April, can be seen on our Fixtures page.

Div 1
Gala 1 at Barnet – Chelmsford host
Gala 2 at Basildon – Hackney Aquatic host
Div 2
Gala 1 at Enfield – NUEL host
Gala 2 at Braintree – Halstead host

The next milestone: member clubs need to submit their eligible swimmers lists to me, using the spreadsheet provided, by 31 March 2020. All competing swimmers must be named by that date and must be Swim England Cat2 registered.

Thank you

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2019 AGM – 13 Nov

The AGM for the coming season will take place on Wed. 13 Nov. 2019 at

Conference Room
LeisureZone pool
CM20 3DT

Membership, Rules, Dates, and Accounts will be discussed and agreed.  A direct email has been sent out with the paperwork.  If you did not receive this, please email the Secretary who will forward it to you.

All Clubs may send voting delegates. Please do attend. This is the appropriate moment to have your say. We rely on your support.  Thank you.

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2019 verified results

Apologies but we had one race that needed careful checking.  All results are now verified.

We hoped you enjoyed this year’s competition and look forward to planning for 2020.

The AGM date is 13 November 2019, when plans will be confirmed

Pool dates for 2020:

19th April
17th May
21st June

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2019 Round 3 results

Firstly, many thanks to all our hosts, officials and volunteers who helped us run the league in 2019. There will be a few post-competition observations posted here and at the AGM, but generally things went very well again.

The provisional results and their files have been uploaded to our website result pages.

Congratulations to Camden Swiss Cottage for winning BOTH divisions this year! Topping every round in both Divisions, they are an unequivocably strong team and we hope to see great things from them in the Area and National finals.

Also very many thanks to all swimmers and coaches who took part, particularly with the lure of two bank holidays offering alternative temptation.

Both divisions were hotly contested right to the very end and several of the positions changed place at the final.  It was observed that with most swimmers finishing very close to each other on times, the events were short and in some cases we saw the meets concluded in record time, an indication of how close it was.

All swimmers should be very proud of their achievement.

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2019 round 3 update


Any of you who were quick to look at the fixtures… I was mistaken about the location of the Div1 final.  This is taking place at Basildon Sporting Village.  Braintree is not available on 23 June.

Thank you

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